




As action we designate, in general terms, the performance of an act or fact, or the effect produced by a certain fact in question. The word, as such, comes from the Latin actio, actiōnis.
Action is also the possibility of acting in certain areas. For example: “The university council has the capacity to act in cases of administrative corruption.”
In literature, cinema or comics, action refers to the set of events or acts that, chained one after another, make up the plot of a work. For example: “The action of Don Quixote takes place in Spain.”
In painting, on the other hand, action refers to the position that a model takes to be painted. For example: “The action in Las Meninas by Velázquez is natural.”
Action is a broad and dynamic concept, used in the most diverse fields of human activity, ranging from social action in sociology, strategic actions in public policies, as well as technical actions and control actions in processes. technicians.

Action in Finance
In economics and finance, shares are each of the parts into which the capital of a business, partnership or company is divided, and which is representative of the value of the fractions into which this capital is divided. The holders of these shares, that is, the shareholders, have a set of political rights within the company (vote on decisions, participate in assemblies), and economic rights (receive a part of the income generated).

Action in Law
In law, we speak of action in reference to the right of a person, whether natural or legal, to access a court or tribunal, make a request or activate a court, in short, to activate the bodies in charge of administration of justice for them to exercise their functions.

Action in Physics
In physics, action is called a scalar magnitude that allows measuring the product of the energy used in a process by the time that the process lasts. It is one of the fundamental concepts of physics; It has application in classical mechanics, relativistic mechanics, and quantum mechanics. Its unit of measurement, according to the International System of Units, is the joule per second (J/s).

Thanksgiving is an annual holiday in which people express their gratitude to God by having a family dinner. It is traditionally celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday of November and in Canada on the second Monday of October. In English it is known as Thanksgiving Day.

Poetic Action
A poetic action is known as a mural-literary phenomenon in which verses or literary or optimistic phrases are painted on the walls of cities. It originated in Mexico in 1996 by Armando Alanis Pulido.


I am a thinker and I have my own philosophy, I have learned to have character and respect the philosophy of others, I believe that every human being is a different world and has the ability to create and enjoy life, Thought is something that the human being is discovering as he experiences and works it, there are beliefs and philosophies because the being allows it, But getting to be and know the being we are all the same we are only to fulfill the purpose in this world and leave a legacy and mission accomplished. Believe, act and live, applying the Love, Grace and Peace that you carry inside to be what you want to be and teach others. We are the architects of tomorrow with the vision of the new earth, believe and create the opportunities are with you and come from you.

We make the difference 👼

:José~ L : Fajardo.

“Entrepreneur knows how to make they own rules” Tm